07 Mar If you could have a beer with any woman dead or alive, who would it be and why?

In honour of International Women’s Day we put this question to women we admire in the beer community, here’s what they said.
I have to go with Gertrude Bell – an incredible lady ahead of her time. Being a writer, explorer, diplomat, archaeologist, oh, and a British spy just to keep things interesting, she’d have no shortage of stories to tell while drinking beer around a campfire. Just being in her company would morph you into the ultimate go-getter. Plus, who doesn’t want a friend named Gertrude? Cheers to you Ms. Bell and all the other women who make a positive impact on the world around them.
Krista Hillis @FoodandDrinkadv
I would have a pint with my great, great grandmother. Hannah Naveau was an Ojibway woman from Mattagami reserve. She married my great, great grandfather, James Miller, a Scottish fur trader for the Hudson’s Bay. Local history archives contain all sorts of information and photographs of him, but very little about her — I’d love a chance to get to know her. I do know that James home brewed and both men and women in the community drank beer on special occasions.
Crystal Luxmore @crystalluxmore
Julia Child would be the top of my list. It’s difficult to overstate how much her book My Life in France meant to me and what an accomplishment Mastering the Art of French Cooking was for her and Simone Beck. Julia Child is funny, talented, fiercely political, has gone through a lot of moments of self-doubt, has proven herself to be adaptable under any circumstances, and did whatever it took to live her life to the fullest and happiest. I’d like to think we’d have a blast over fine food and good beer, talking about pushing ahead career-wise, complaining about the lack of clothing options for tall people, commenting on how ridiculous American politics is, and, of course, sharing recipes.
Robin LeBlanc @thethirstywench

Tina Fey, because I like a side of laughter with my beer.
Kristin MacDonald @muskokahalfpint
JK Rowling – her determination and imagination are inspiring. Perhaps we would chat over a pint of butterbeer 😉
Erin Nicholson
I would love to be able to have a beer with my Mom, my Grandma (her mom), My Great Grandma, and my Great Great Grandma. All the “Moms” from 5 generations, talking about our lives and how things have changed for women and to see what we are all like. To compare our similarities and differences. That in my mind would be pretty cool.
Angie Hewick
I would pick Melissa McCarthy because she’s funny and it would be a riot.
Kaylha Koskinen
As a bit of a science nut it would be fascinating chatting with Marie Curie. She won two Nobel prizes at a time when women weren’t all that active in science. Pretty badass!
Rebecca Pellet
Kim from @mattandkim – we share a mutual love of confetti and dancing while standing on things.
Shannon Mulligan @shannmulligan
My beer buddy would be Elizabeth the 1st of England, she was in power when it was usually men that ran everything, smart, a survivor, brave. Such an interesting life not to mention she came from one of the most dysfunctional families.
Sherry Gray
I choose Kate Middleton because I think she is a very inspiring woman who uses her influence to do great things!
Melissa Chaffey
I’d have a beer with everyone here, a fabulous group of ladies with lots of stories and opinions I’d love for them to share.
Joelle McRae @MuskokaJoelle
I would love to sit down and have a beer with Tina Fey, to pick her brain, and have some laughs. She encourages young women to be comfortable and confident in the body they have and to not feel the pressure to conform to media’s portrayal of “sexy or beauty”, which I think is an extremely important message for young people everywhere!
Olivia Vallentyne @MuskokaLiv
My Great Aunty Grace loved life in its simplistic and complex forms, and she met challenges with a great confidence that was both fun and graceful. To sit down and have a beer with her now would be amazing.
Kelly Watson
I would have to say that I would sit down and have a beer with Theresa Caputo the medium from Long Island, because then I could talk to her and at the same time communicate with loved ones who have passed! 🙂
Colleen Marshall
My mom because I miss her.
Megan Gray
It would be my great, great, great grandmother so I could ask her how things in life happened in her time. I was born in the wrong era.
Leslie Grisch
I would like to have a beer with my sisters out in B.C. who I haven’t seen in years.
Gwen May
I have so many amazing women in my life, friends and family is who I would pick any day! They guarantee a good time, laughs and good company. They are all THE BEST … and like to drink.
Danielle Porter
I have so many inspiring women in my life but to narrow it down I’d choose my mom. She’s been beside me through everything and no one loves beers more than she does.
Charlie Vanderpol
I would choose my nana. She has a huge heart and has overcome a lot of hurdles in life. She’s also full of sass and has one of the best laughs. I’m sure she has a story or two to share that I haven’t heard yet. And a little beer might help bring them out.
Mandi Hargrave
I would choose my daughter because it’s the only time she takes a break. She’s amazing and never stops.
Simone Lemay
I would choose my great grandma to get more background on my family and teach her about beer.
Aurora Poland
Marie Antoinette, she was a revolutionary of her time! She also liked to imbibe! I would love to bring her some Mad Tom and Cream Ale.
Jen Reinhardt @jenreinhardt_